Friday, April 25, 2008


I made the men lash me to the mast as we approached the island of the sirens. I had ordered all of them to fill their ears with wax, but I wanted to hear the deadly songs. The men started to row, and I heard the music. It was like nothing else on earth. It is haunting, but still wonderful to hear. It made me feel so strong, but like something was missing. I had to be near that music forever, to die listening to it. When it was over, I felt like something inside of me had gone, leaving lonliness in its place.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Argos waited for twenty years to see his master. When Odysseus left home, the dog was strong and fast, a powerful creature. But over the long years that Odysseus was at war and then lost, Argos suffered. He missed his master, who had left so suddenly. Over the years, the dog began to waste away. Truly, he should not have lived so long, because he was so weak and depressed. But the day Odysseus once more walked over the threshold of the palace, Argos was freed. His master had returned, and he could die peacefully and contently.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Not quite...

So much for being saved. Poseidon is such a jerk! I mean seriously, I was almost there. Couldn't he just give me a break once? But no, I guess not. That storm almost killed me. And I wasn't really sure whether or not to trust that nymph, after all, I've had bad luck with nymphs in the past. But I'm glad I took her advice. Without that wimple, I never would have gotten to shore at all. I just took a great nap under some leaves in this forest. I think that now I'm just going to set off and see if I can find someone who will take me to the king. Are those womens' voices I hear in the distance...?


Well, I finally escaped from Calypso. I guess it wasn't so horrible, I mean, she did feed me and everything. But still, seven years on an island with a crazy nymph was a lot to handle. Now I'm just floating on my raft, trying to get to the land of the Phaeacians. Hermes says that they're going to help me get home! I just have to be on this raft for about eighteen days, and then I should arrive. All I want now is a ship and a crew to take me home to Ithica. I can't wait to see Penelope and Telemachus again! He must be a man now...I can't even imagine it. Maybe he looks like me. Wait, I think I see land in the distance! I'm saved!